
Showing posts from 2014


Dreamed on 2014.10.01.0552 someone steals a dog from a restaurant and opens all the doors -- they didn't steal Bee, our schnauzer, but she escapes and is busy running a stairway and almost getting through one way doors before they shut and lock me out. she's running next to another dog she's friends with. I catch her eventually and we find the owner for the other dog.

Plot Twist

Dreamed on 2014.10.01.0552 looking at a merchant's wares at a dag event - nice musical pipe sort of thing. chewing gum and three of my molars fall out.

"Save this whereout she crushes / For dead men deadly wine."

Dreamed on 2014.10.11.0828 Note: Play "sometimes our dreams float like anchors" by William Elliott Whitmore in the background (it was stuck in my head when I woke up). At a large party with people. I have a friend/neighbor with me. Decide to go underwater for a bit and record a video (I have a new goPro that I want to play with -- it's a fingertip --about as thick as a finger print -- and it records whatever I'm pointing at. This works well, as my suit is also set to propel me by pointing with that same finger whenever I accelerate by a gesture with my other hand. We cruise around for a while and find cool bubbles to film (note that our suits cover our face and let us breathe automatically, and this whole transition from air to water is second nature by now. Water can be scary because of the waves and forces that can move you suddenly, but air can be equally scary because you notice gravity more, you move slower, waves that manage to hit you in the air do more t...

Just a totally normal busride, man

Dreamed on Was on a city bus, minding my own business when an interesting street/punk dressed guy comes on and starts dancing -- interesting hat, many baubles, studs in one shoulder of his jacket, several belts, bright colored patches on things, etc. And he's got this thing -- imagine one of those ball/paddle contraptions where you hit the ball away and a string pulls it back, except instead of a ball and string it's a gigantic bubble-type thing that makes shapes like a gigantic lava lamp, and people who are good at it can control it so that it moves with the music. Two other people on the bus get up and start dancing too, and I try out the lavabubble thing. Then a korean guy in a tae kwon do outfit, sitting across the aisle from me, asks me if I ever studied dance stuff, and I say no, no way. Then the boom box that I've been playing music on this whole time switches over to a Carolina Soares song, and I think about capoeira.

"...where ignorant armies clash by night..."

Dreamed on 2014.08.26.2241 what must be at least a square mile or more of rushing waves and rapids crashes down over the point and sides of a submerged promontory in sweeping rushes. I project myself and my boat out and over them in my mind, imagine washing down the tongues of water and over the curl backs, plotting a course most likely to keep me from a watery demise. It's night time, and we decide that none of us should run this rapids. Black night time, though we hear the roar all around us, we see only small patches dimly lit nearby by moon glow as we run across the metal grating boardwalk while half-drunk in insane awe at the power of the river. I stop my brother from falling off the railing several times as we careen randomly about the place. Then my cousins and some of our friends from childhood show up.

Cause it's all about that Bass

Dreamed on 2014.08.0947 Going to the local swimming pool with Rachel's upright bass in one hand and my guitar in the other. It costs a bit to get in, but there's a region in the very back (on a picnic table in a grassy area) that's free if you're just going to practice or perform. As I head there a guy wearing black with shaved sides of his head and gauges in his ears talks to me. Asks where I'm headed and if he can listen (says he can try to keep most of the other goths from fan-boy harassing me there. I say I don't mind either way). When we're there, I play a little bit on each, but mainly there's a (non-goth) kid who won't stop asking questions about where in town we're from, what direction is it from here (no, don't say north, point), what middle school and what grade school did we go to, etc.

Devil's Biographer

Dreamed on 2014.08.07.0458 Abducted off the street to serve as a cultural advisor to Kim Jong-un. He is driving the car this time to show his power, rather than being driven and showing weakness -- he came off as weak in the past during a physical competition we were both part of. Yesterday he made a show of killing his old driver, saying it was sad because he was a good driver, but then laughing like it didn't faze him. I ask him -- as politely as possible -- how he felt about what he just did: sad, angry, amused, etc. I say I am expressing genuine curiosity. He explains a concept about significance: "The repeated patterns around you gain significance based on how often you see them and what you associate them with. If you see the same necklace everywhere in a certain context, it begins to matter to you and mean something to you in a certain way. So it is with this." That's all he explains and it doesn't really make sense to me. I ask if I can stay nea...

My subconscious self is more lenient than my conscious self

Dreamed on 2014.08.01.0324 i could deal witht he miniature tentacle like things (decorative) on the sores on my legs because they looked kind of like plants unfurling, and the spines were cool too, because I get that his was a definsive thing. but the sores that stuck out like towers that wer half-wasp (alternating which parts of the body, head or stinger) wer completely NOPE/


Dreamed on 2014.07.29.0628 gorgeous wooden mansion that my parents bought - huge place, with a huge yard with hhuge old growth trees (though after the recent rain, the ground is damp beneath my feet). Brief anger at the cars who zoom past me and drive across the yard, but it's forgiven when it turns out to be more of the Olson Clan coming to join us.It is a good place and we will do well here. It should have cost 900,000, but my dad was able to get it for 10,000 instead becuase of things. sssssssssssssssssssssApparently it was built for the Pandora Researchc Poroject.

Three-shaft berimbau

Dreamed on 2014.07.28.0811 Musical instruments in Quinn's basement. A drum with a loose piece of metal on its head that changes the pitch. A three-shaft berimbau that join at the gourd but have 4 strings on each shaft.

like lucky charms but glowing and just made of light

Dreamed on in a upstairs attic with sleeping Rachel and Bee, adn I discover a game with a -- you ise an ipod/phone deivesc to control a remote control headphone earbud on the floor that drives around. There are little mini rainbows on teh floor -- 3D -- like lucky charms but glowing and just made of light. You get some points for each one you get -- wth a bonus for getting more in a row. I bother Rachel wth the noises it makes, but then I show her one and she think s it's cite. I figure out how to turn the sound off and that makes it better.A,so spill a lot of saltine crackers across the floor. Then the TV accidentally comes on to some annoying comedians' show.

we're all snails

Dreamed on 2014.08.25.2257 we're all snails -- not like suddenly or magically, we're just all snails and we always have been. We're doing snail stuff, I don't really remember what. At one point there's a patch of stuff that I have to slime my way over to because I can't fully sense it unless I'm on top of it.

but it's just a bad idea

Dreamed on 2014.08.25.2259 driving home from vacation with my parents and brother and grandma and grandpa -- we can't all fit in the one car though, but no one else seems to acknowledge that, none of them see the problem. I point out that I drove and I have another car we should probably use, but my dad says no, it's more efficient to take just one car. Everyone's getting ready to pick my car up and flip it over on top of the other car as if it were a canoe, so we can just drive one car back and carry the other by locking the car racks together. I'm fed up with them and I know it's a bad idea, so I protest by sitting on the curb a good distance away and not helping.

it turnes out i can just fly

Dreamed on 2014.07.22.0434 everyone was talking and hanging out in the parking lot asI was getting read yto go to my dirst day of school in my new job. i aplogoize to shawn who's been looking for a job for a long time and what supposed to get one before me we thought . anyway, I have to leave becuase I don;t want to be late, and it turnes out i can just fly there so I do. i'm at my parents house. as I fly over the beatuiful trees i zoom oiut more and everything is made of legoes and i move the lego piece then come down and landand i'm back in first prtdon mofe, but it's a computer game. first i escape from the bad guy's hideout (which is easy because I'm just leaving and I basically say , ":no no, it's cool, I'm one of you" to the guard as I run byt. then i''m in the street in an impovereish and kind of post apoc world and I'm eating grapes, which in the computer game, heal you. I'm just eating them cause their'e good....

Unofficial Qeuestion Answerer

Dreamed on 2014.07.19.0837 Back in high school! I'm supposed to go to gym class, but evne though my gym class in in the field, I've been asssgned to finish the test for my swimming class so I go to [REDACTED]'s gymclass. it turns out that they're not doing tests anyway, so I hang out and swim around for a bit. There are kids who are asking qeuestions that I help, and I become a sort of TA for the class. One kid has a question in spanish that I help with, then I talk with parents who are picking their kids up at the end. I realize at one point that I should have been at my actually assigned class, but we decide that it's fine. In the dream I'm in this strange region somewhere between student and teacher.

To live more honestly

Dreamed on 2014.06.18.0720 We debate going back to help, but then the city explodes in a nuclear inferno. The portal opens nearby and we step through. On this new planet we try to live more honestly by forgetting tools -- we do well at this for a time, but we need spears to hunt with. The simian creatures who dwell here already hurl sharpened sticks and slash at us with sharp rocks, so that's fair if we use them to fight back. Some of the tribe has resorted to cannibalism and we've turned, really, into two antagonistic tribes -- men and women. It is not safe to go out alone anymore, especially with my wounded hand from my latest simian fight. A mixed gender group of us bridges the gap and goes on a mission for something.

disprove teh bible

Dreamed on 2014.07.17.0529 was given a building where they take crappy armor and weapons parts and turn them into nice armor and weapons parts. in a dangerous part areaof town,. also was given a small palletof stuff in the mail that includes some of my college materials, among which were some books that were about biology adn geology that disproved teh bible and made everyone upset. also, it was 9 am and I had until noon to get the paperwork done so I coud go on the trip.

Stalker Fan Girl

Dreamed on 2013.08.19.1010 after trying nicely several times, yell quite harshly at stalker fan girl to leave parents' house that rachel and I and parents are in, and she seems to be gone. After a while we realize the bathroom closet doorknob is missing and she must be in there, where we store scissors and things. We block the door closed and call our private security to ask whether they can take care of it or whether we should call the cops. They say they've got it.

Sally with a bad leg

Dreamed on 2013.07.18.0804 Told to find the young student Sally (with a bad leg / wheelchair) and tell her that she should write a note saying she can go on the field trip and the principal will sign it. I interrupt a class and find her, but she says, "really? even though it will cost a lot more to bring me?" and I say, "Sure, it's what the principal said." She fumbles for a while then gives me a piece of paper that isn't the note and hopes it will work. I give it back, get some plain paper, and write the note for her.

Secret Governance Council

Dreamed on 2011.08.25 Older person going back in time as a younger (teenageish) person. Party at a teenager's house, with a secret governance council thing to rule on some social drama issue (in a real serious The Outsiders sort of way). Helping clean up after they leave (helping little kids find and put away all of the fancy silver silverware.

Skiing Shopping and Not a Pregnancy

Dreamed on 2013.06.14.0814 The snow was heavy and the mountains taller than I expected as we make our way to the skiing hill. We pass the sledding hill first, and I’d rather stop there, but George (Anne’s friend) is already waiting for us at at the top of the next rise for skiing. We go up this rise and are about to go down, when we read (and argue about) the sign. It doesn’t say not to ski down the main trail because it’s the main trail and already packed down by walkers (which it is), it simply warns about bears and suggests staying on the main trail. Since this hill/mountain is enormous, we all take skis off so we can sit on them and slide down. In the process, I accidentally slip and kick some snow as I fall over which hits my dad in the eyes. He swears at me and starts to slide down the hill. (He holds a grudge for the rest of this dream -- that and the swearing are not at all what I would actually expect from my dad, even though in the dream I thought, “yeah, he’s like that....

Hotel Waterpark

Dreamed on 2013.07.30.0814 "Well, it's cause I forgot my swim suit. So they let me have one, but it cost me 50 tokens, so when I played the first game where I planned on earning all my tokens (ski ball), I was barely able to keep any of them. That's why I didn't get to win as many other things." He accepts my explanation and I get in while he goes on to keep trying to encourage others to get into the pool. There are two slides - a basic one that drops you in the water, and a trick one. It's a trick one because some people are able to do flips off the end of it and others, by pointing their toes and leaning back) are able to skim along the surface for a while. We try them, and it's awesome. Then we start exploring and find a hidden area between the base of the two slides, carved out of the wall. There's a little gate to open to get in which prevents too much water from mixing between them -- once we're in, it starts heating up and getting foam...

Ponds of White Smokey Haze

Dreamed on 2013.06.07.0639 Me and a group are exploring unfamiliar terrain when we see an airplane being torn apart piece by piece. Nothing is touching it, though, while this happens. We see several other airplane skeletons, but understand nothing until we notice that there is a gigantic platform ahead being constructed out of airplane parts. “OH! That’s makes sense,” we say, “that’s how they are building things.” I accidentally trip an alarm by crossing beneath the platform, an alarm goes off, and we are chased. We run as fast as we can and eventually we are running through a field with many little “ponds” of white smokey-looking haze. We can run across their surface easily enough. “Are these the aliens?” someone asks “No," one of our pursuers shouts, "these are their technology." And if you stand in one for long enough, you may almost begin to see the aliens standing in other ones. We run faster, ditch the pursuers, and hide in an old abandoned hot...

Incompetent PuzzleBox Crafter

Dreamed on 2011.08.25 Small puzzle box that turns into something to help you when you throw it. Doesn’t work for everyone. One guy throws it and it makes a crappy bridge that just falls down. Someone else throws it and makes a castle they can escape into and in which they can defend themselves.

Arrested Development Shoe Store

Dreamed on 2013.02.22.0700 Something about a shoe store -- or a clothing store. I think I was a spy. Something about latin words, too, and getting them wrong. Buster and Michael from Arrested Development were there, but they were playing different roles.

Ancient Concrete Bridges

Dreamed on 2014.04.03.0314 After every storm, it seems, another of the ancient concrete bridges between our villages crumbles. I took a new route today and, when caught in a storm, found shelter that - from the message written on the bricks - was found by a football team who had built it of bricks together an age ago.

Cave of Treasures

Dreamed on 2013.07.08.0708 While running ahead of a group of people who are going (racing?) somewhere (including Lyman and Lisa, among others I'm sure) I am spraying spray-paint lines on the ground to make a clear path for us. I have fun adding little squiggles and jokes and zig zags. Eventually it joins up with a cave, which I add stalagmites and stalactites to. Then I find someone's leftover dagorhir stuff -- belt pouch and contents, etc. In the next room in the cave, I find several rings of coins -- the wooden ones for britannia faire, and others that I don't recognize. Somehow Lyman and I (and someone I don't know) piece together that the coins were owned by three bandits who attacked a young woman camping in the front part of the cave. (I have no clue how we knew all that, but it made sense in the dream). We realize this all must have gone down a decade or so ago, so we divvy it up between the three of us. The coins are cool. Also there are vertebrae beads with...

a gorgeous patinging

Dreamed on 2014.04.24.0520 exploring an old dim house where a niceartist lives and makes cool jewerly and clothe antd things. jer students sell tings too, and I find a cool clay face that I can put on the wall (earlier a few hallways over in goodwill I found a gorgeous patinging that'll go perfect in rachel and I's new basement, (wall size) but they decid to auction it on the spot, and where I was going to get it for 20, now kids are betting, 80, 100, etc, and i walk away. but there's a gorgeou s clay face series for 5 bucks each and a nice goergous blue and orange clown fish, but after I;ve walked past them once I cant seem to find them again.

Attack of the Ex?

Dreamed on 2014.03.08.0634 In a computer game that someone's playing (that we're inside of) they have to beat a baseball game with monsters in it, that also includes a monkey and a bird. I don't care about the monkey, but I hold the bird in my hands and its feet feel pretty cool on my fingers. After I watch them try again and again without being able to proceed, they get mad and take a break, but I get out my computer and google the solution. It turns out, they are trying to hard and focusing on this baseball game level, but they did the right thing long ago. Really, they need to talk to a different NPC first in order to learn more about a different quest before they do the baseball thing. They talk to the NPC and it teleports us. now we are in a room in the basement of a large place with a hundred or so of us refugees. There's a portal in the middle of the room that we escaped here from, but the bad ones can use it too. several of us have weapons and most of us are...

Urban River Kiosk Garage Sale Giveaway

Dreamed on 2013.02.25.0500 Ben and I got in the water at the end of the bay at the lodge -- he was more frustrated than I that there was a new law that we couldn’t cut the seaweed stuff ourselves anymore that was growing from the bottom. So we started swimming up river, and it turns out that there'd been a flood and there was some wreckage near the first rapids we got to. I found a long string going into the water and worked to remove it in case there was a hook at the end. There wasn't -- just a closed lock, so I knew it couldn’t hurt anyone. A little further up stream we found a central island of wood.. a kiosk sort of thing -- I should mention that this seemed a small stream that was thoroughly urban -- like a flooded street or path or something, at this point. Anyway, there was a garage sale on that island, There were a lot of OLD computery things. I was interested in some old nintendo games and controllers and Ben wanted a huge bag of old paintings and fuzzy posters ...

SCA Camp at Ragnarok

Dreamed on 2013.07.11.0559 also we're camping at Ragnarok (but with really strange terrain, though it made sense at the time) and it starts raining crazy hard so we go to check on our tent and it's fine (and Bee is fine in it). But some people ask who we are and why we're camping with them. I realize I had called [REDACTED] to see if it's okay for us to camp in SCA camp, and I had the wrong number so his brother answered and said it was fine, but they weren't in charge of the camp -- that [REDACTED] was (why her? She's not even in SCA as far as I know). Anyway, it turns out it is fine, but we have to follow their rules and everything.

Stealing Rocks?

Dreamed on 2014.02.09.0415 Find a bit of hollow rock in a cool funnel-ish stalagmite shape and rinse it and it's all coppery inside. Don't really want to carry stuff, but it's cool. Start walking again, then find a lot more of these cool coppery rocks with tools and water for rinsing, strewn across the path. It's a dig and geologists have been uncovering these. Walking further. I'm in a state park, apparently, and I find a gorgeous hollow rock with very fancy crystal displays and maybe gold in it. Think about taking it. I pick it up and take my shirt off to put over it so no one else will realize what an amazing thing I found and am stealing from the park. Then I realize it's part of a large collection. I ask nearby park staff dude who stocks them, and he's not allowed to give his opinion on it, but I get the sense that he recommends I leave it here with the others. We talk a bit and he's cool and I start to realize that I will leave it here because...


Dreamed on 2014.05.21.0614 accidentally summoned a jotun in an abandoned building. ran. then distracted it with runes. got it on my side by praising it, asking it questions, and teaching it english. not sure what to do next.

Living in the snow caves...

Dreamed on 2011.08.29 living in the snow caves, building up defenses and preparing to survive the winter on an alien snow world (basically have to group hibernate and shut yourself off from the world). Only problem is the greatest fear (before the wolves, even) is the alien guides who will be living above us with connecting tunnels and all. Are we their food supply? There is one piece of metal that one of us has (about the size of a soda can, but solid) which we find out is part of one of the aliens’ ancestral swords. Not sure why there’s no other metal.

Middle School Horse Race

Dreamed on 2014.04.07.0444 getting ready for the horse race at the middleschool at 4:00 and it's currently 3:40. I'm in orange and blue and green, but I'm working on getting out of green since everyone else is wearing it. I realize I've left my Alric axe in the car, so I go out to get it. In the process, I realize I've left Bee (our Schnauzer) in the car, so I crack the windows for her, get her on her leash and take her out. It's getting ready to storm outside and there are very tiny tornadoes weaving through the parking lot. Nothing to be worried about. I get her out of the car, but even though I double checked that the car was in park twice, it turns out it was really in drive. As I get out of the car with Bee, the car takes off forward on its own, ramps off a small bank, careens across the upper parking lot, then strikes another bank and its alarm goes off. People gather as I race towards it.

Thor & Loki Property Dispute

Dreamed on 2013.06.019.0819 Thor/Loki-like brothers (but mortal) fighting over who owned a piece of land (well, water, really, for some reason. I think it included land, but they were wrestling/struggling in the water. Eventually, a deal is made. They take a drinking horn and cut it in half, then they draw a line in their heads. Until the gods rejoin the halves of that horn, they shall neither of them cross that line again in search of conflict.

troll splinter

Dreamed on 2014.05.22.0615 after the troll splinter stuck into the eye, the solid shape of her hair diffused into a fuzz of strands, and her stick-figure arms splayed at the end into long ribbons - fingers, we called them.

ut chas.

Dreamed on 2014.04.25.0216 as a protest for something, we draw lines throuh stores wit stacked books. eventually I find rats, then rabbits, then cats, and tey ahre all fighting for the toilet paper rolls that we jut bought and everything is chas. fun chaos, ut chas.

Ourselves acting like Kidsnippets pretending to be Supernatural...

Dreamed on 2014.03.22.0632 This is the main thing I can picture from this dream. we got tricked to end up near a haunted house. I forget what we thought we were there for -- meeting someone for somereason -- but eventually we realized that the windows looked like static when we saw them through a screen. so now we're like the guys from supernatural and we're in the house exploring. it's pretty super scary at first, but then the dream transitions and we are ourselves, but we're acting like the guys from Kid Snippets pretending to be people from supernatural, and our "dad" (one of the guys from Kid Snippets) keepings yelling at us to keep it down and not come up the stairs.

Don't worry, I'll throw the railroad ties at you.

Dreamed on 2014.03.28.0439 railroad ties at my parents' house need moving, but I can't get the water spigot to turn off in the yard after I bumped it. Janitor Joe is in a forklift and says not to worry. He pick the railroad ties up and is only barely able to throw them -- not in the right direction, but it works. I have to jump and catch the basketball hoop so they don't hit me. Instead they only brush my feet (and break the garage door). Then I'm sorting my armor when I hear my dad come home and realize we forgot my grandma's birthday! It's Friday though, so I suggest we drive there for dinner still.


Dreamed on 2014.03.25.0628 Supposedly in a computer game of somesort -- I think one that's turned off. It's a huge huge huge dark cluttered warehouse, basically, with a river through it and a lot of creepy stuff. There are at least several of us trapped here. By watching the scary one who seems to know his way here, we realize that we can give commands to the old woman ghost/statue when we are near her. For example, saying PALLAS ATHENA GO teleports us to the statue of Athena.

Home, Sweet Airduct System

Dreamed on 2014.04.19.0712 I'm a kid in a game show kinda thing. We've done a hockey like event where I had some cool moves, and it ends, and we start arguing about which team is better (there were like 10 teams involved). Eventually the judges say okay, for this next one, whichever team was first gets a special challenge. So who wants to have been first? We go in, and it turns out that the more people from our four person team we cover in worms/earwigs/little bitey things, the more of a benefit we get. We need to survive and make it to the other side of the gym. A bunch of nonsense fighting happens (including hiding in a giant telescope), and then I manage to escape from the other side of the gym, alone, into a post apocalyptic world in which all that matters is escaping the cannibals. Also, paper is the most important thing ever. Scientists want to catch kids to experiment on them, taxis try to trick you into taking a ride (and not coming back), and gathering pieces of ...

"...portals into that dark blue abyss."

Dreamed on 2014.04.03.0636 in a large pirates of the caribbean era boat with immediate family and some cousins/aunts/uncles. Pat wants to go swimming (she means scuba diving), and as soon as she says so the entire boat starts to flip over. It gets to be completely on its side before I throw myself on the opposite wall and flip it back upright. There are large large windows of glass here that, when the boat is leaning, show us portals into that dark blue abyss.

A Sisyphean Dreamlife

Dreamed on 2014.04.17.0755 The man was stuck in a loop, and someone had figured that out and committed a crime. It took me a while to realize he was stuck in a loop, since that's not the kind of thing that happens usually. A big loop, like, a Groundhog's Day loop, except time still passes for everyone else while he does the exact same thing everyday. The kitchen table was covered in dust except for the spot where he always sat each morning and night for his food. The carpet, even, had a path worn from the same tired footfalls he placed in the same spots each day. Lucky going shopping was in his daily routine (followed by a burger for lunch at the diner next door), or lack of food may have brought him down. The newspaper he read each morning was tissue paper thin now, and started to shred, but I could still read the date from ten years ago on the paper. Subsequent research told me that this had been the day the old man's wife had been murdered by an intruder in the hou...

A new and awkward sport

Dreamed on 2014.04.02.0637 white water kayaking but playing frisbee at the same time. i'm swimming and diving upstream past family members

Worst Makeover Ever

Dreamed on 2014.04.15.0620 burned most of my beard off while setting up a mirror (that was gifted to me) on top of a mantle (there was a candle on the mantle). left with just half a mustache and patches of awkward hair.

"'Til at last all around us was fastness / One vast glassy desert of arsenic white"

Dreamed on 2014.04.15.0620 Ian and I struggling to walk from the outpost at the very north pole to iceland over great ice sheets, etc. BEAUTiful landscapes. Rather dangerous and hard to navigate with just a map and a compass though. We almost turn back after one of the nights a large group of us spend at the old remains of an old burnt out hotel because the wind is so strong that nobody can think. Literally, no one could think. There was this one guy just standing with a blank look on his face and staring while leaning into the wind, and I was like, "Hey! Hey man!" and he didn't respond. When I went around the corner I saw Ian huddling there all depressed at what was happening, but we talked and decided we could do the journey together just the two of us. It was something of a competition, so we left the others behind. When we made it back to an outpost we checked everyone's progress via map and saw that someone had gone several hundred miles across open ocean f...

Those ecologists have it all, don't they?

Dreamed on 2014.04.13.0723 talking to friends about how I've never been to the roof of the ecology building on campus with its swimming pool, amphitheatre, cafe, tennis, etc before. Lucky ecologists.

Sole Witness to the Awesome

Dreamed on 2013.07.08.0708 Sleeping with a group of people (4-5 of us) in the top floor of a beach resort cabin thing on top of a sandy hill next to the ocean. I get up early to go for a swim and play in the sand and it's awesome. I come back and sleep more, then get up again, but it's stormy-ish outside and the water is rising. This happens several times, and eventually I notice that water is high enough that it washed one of the blankets off the bed from downstairs and is carrying it out through the sand maze tunnels and things towards the sea. I grab it and brace myself against one of the columns and rescue it easily enough (this is not a scary/panicky dream, it's surreal and fun) and I watch the way the water flows over the sand and hills and terrain and it's awesome. Eventually I wake Rachel and people up to tell them, and though the water has gone down a bit, they see evidence of it. They don't think it's as awesome as I thought it was, but oh well...

Post Apoc Hood's Gang

Dreamed on 2013.08.19.1010 Set in the future, high tech civilization and uber government surveillance dystopia. waiting on top of a platform near a high speed rail with my car parked in an alleyway beneath. The governments knows I'm here and have my car there, but they don't know that I know that they know I'm here and have my car there. They're planning on me doing something small then escaping in the vehicle, so they're ready to seize me at the bottom. I also don't think they know that I'm only one of many who have planned to do things all across the city-state. The time comes and I do something... some act of sabotage... unsure what. Then I drop down onto the passing train, leave my car behind, ride for a while, ditch the train near a jogging trail into a forest, and run in. After a time, run up a fallen tree to a small platform and wait out of sight of all. Except I had been running next to a guy who saw me do it and is causing trouble. I eventually ...

T-Rex Subway Mythbusters Kidnapping

Dreamed on 2014.02.02.0928 Many dreams, most have faded by now. Something about people (possibly from the future) coming back with specific goals in mind -- taking over a themepark type of place. Because of causality laws, rather than doing anything themselves, they make us do things. I never see the whole dream through, but there is a T-Rex involved. Also, apparently there are different types of T-Rexs, and this one has a weird sunken face. Later, different dream, the mythbusters are excited about a visitor coming to their place, so they transform their headquarters into a lego themed Subway restaurant. (What the hell, right?). Anyway, it's storming outside, and the mythbusters girl mysteriously disappears/gets kidnapped just as the visitor arrives, bringing with him some new board games. I manage to state all the known info/clues about her disappearance before the dream cuts off.


Dreamed on 2013.12.27.0756 Chips in our brains (like in Feed) that constantly present us with sims-like goals for our lives which provide us with points we use as currency. Controlled by a government with malicious intent at times.

Unwilling Criminal Mercenary

Dreamed on 2012.04.16 I’m an expert swordsman, young adult, a little naive (referred to, henceforth, in third person). Falls in (because he needs work) with a band of men that he thinks will operate fairly similar to the Firefly crew. Land at a grocery store and he and crew start to take control of the store. Told to kill anyone in your way, send any loot to the front of the store. He isn’t sure what the main objective is (presumably not just to rob the individual civilians), but is told simply to neutralize the people. First corner he turns, there’s an employee who knows a few things about swords who has armed several girls and is trying to teach them a lesson. The employee sees the MC coming sword drawn, and runs at him to attack. “You don’t want to do that,” MC says, but the man fights anyway and is quickly killed. MC looks at dying body in shock, then looks at girls who raise their swords (incompetently). “There was no point for his death. Put down your swords, and I won’...

River UFO

Dreamed on 2011.08.26 Escape back to the village by getting all the kids to race to the totem -- but then sneaking the other way. Lots of muddy/swampy stuff to sneak through. Eventually everyone needs to return to defend the village because the River UFO is going to be attacking (the name, apparently, is a reference to some previous adventure)

One more time, with feeling

Dreamed on standing in my parents' living room and looking down the hall. extraordinarily vivid. A light breeze blows from a vent and I hear the faint hum of ventilation. I slap myself and feel it. I know it's a dream, but I know it can't possibly feel this real. I wake up. Five minutes later I have the same dream with the same vividness. I wake up. Five minutes later it's the same thing, but this time I'm halfway down the hallway, still unable to move, but now completely hyperventilating and freaking out. Something scary is in the bedrooms but I cannot see through their darkened doorways.

That Damned Orphanage

Dreamed on 2013.07.02.0910 Returning to that damned orphanage one last time, but I know I must still follow all the rules. I'm late returning for the big clean, so they make everyone wait for me, but I am good at what I do and I have a system. Though known for my disobedience and rebellion I work fast and soon have everything up to standard -- it's poor and sloppy where I know they won't check, but in other places even the pieces of hay that make up the floor are aligned with each other.

Official City Hero

Dreamed on 2013.07.17.0651 Something about having quit other jobs and applying to be a surgeon -- but not a surgeon yet, because I need more training, so just a nurse, first. After that i have trouble driving because of all the construction, so it turns out I'm walking up a hill. I'm being socially awkward and walking too close to other people, but it's not my fault, it's a very slippery hill and I can't get traction so I have to walk slow. Sold some necklaces to a shop in a tunnel at our vacation home. picked out a nice one to give to rachel, but I broke it -- looks like an easy fix, though. We argue back and forth about who should fix it (i should because I broke it, I say). Eventually they relent and let me take it home broken (the string is cut), but they give me a discount. I try to take a picture of it but my camera is on the fritz, so I realize I can use my computer to take a picture. Voting for official city hero.. go Rachel!

Purple Plastic Clothes Hanger

Dreamed on 2011.08.31 move into new apartment (not the same new one as in real life) -- see how far wireless reaches. (Talking with grant while doing so) Remove wall panel sections to access clothing for a large game of dressing up funny with the extended Olson family. Then we play with cute kittens. But after people leave, they attack me -- sinking teeth in and not letting go. One on each hand, can't do anything but yell until my dad pries one loose with purple plastic clothes hanger (which breaks and splinters into my skin also).

Certs for THE BEAST

Dreamed on 2014.03.10.0421 shopping for groceries and I pay with my credit card. at the checkout they throw a pack of certs in for a small charge. After I pay I decide I want another thing of certs of cinnamon, so I have to get in line again. When I finally get to the front of the line, I swipe my credit card and it says, "Sorry! We know you like using our product, but we've always asked you to fill out online surveys and sign up for our product and services online and you've ignored us, so we've deactivated your card. I'm sure you understand!" It's awkward, and I try several times before explaining it to the checkout clerk and the people in line behind me. Eventually I have to use my second card to pay for the certs, which is signed out to the name "THE BEAST", like from Beauty and the Beast, because of a story I'm writing. When the people in line ask me about it, I shrug and say, "you know, cause I'm grumpy and moody and stuf...

Enoki Mushrooms Yummmm!

Dreamed on 2014.03.14.0718 Going through the state Renaissance Faire again, but it's super boring this time because we've already done it a million times. As we look in the river I see long strands of mushrooms like we had at the Hot Pot restaurant last Friday -- except we must have eaten baby ones then, because some of these are substantially larger. Then I'm getting ready for a battle, but I have to change my footwear. After I put the new shoes on, I have to wrap cloth tape around them a million times to connect them to my feet, then I have to paint them. Someone says something gender-offensive, but I can't remember what it was.

Climbing up the Walls

Dreamed on 2014.02.07.0547 As the assistant principal comes into my studyhall to take over so I can leave, I'm about to shout at them to sit down, be quiet, get to work, stop (literally) climbing the walls and playing basketball and standing on desks and being loud, but he puts a finger to lips and pretends to sneak and explains that he wants them to not even notice that he's here -- he doesn't want to disturb their reading. I look around at the chaos, then wake up.

a greater menace

Dreamed on 2014.03.10.0540 The water leopard exhibit is empty, but there is a greater menace. I'm hiding in the curtains in the abandoned zoo and a huge snake/plant/vine is after me that can grow very quickly. It catches me and wraps around me and I cannot escape.

he'd purchased hte land against long odds

Dreamed on 2014.03.11.0301 Something valuable was created when this bit of falling meteor struck the contents of his marshy field -- he knew this would be the case and he'd purchased the land against long odds that it would be his land that was struck. But it was, and it was his land too that was now coated in this silvery compound -- highly valuable -- that he had mined into pieces now selling for high value at auction. This kid in torn blue jeans made it big. Then Alric teaches me the way he builds a sword.

Sky Marshall Helicopter

Dreamed on 2011.11.09 sky marshall helicopter delivered a mattress to my house -- HUGE thing was the copter, bigger than my parents' house -- then zoomed off again almost noiselessly. giant american eagle symbol of pride, that we got to see it. It filled the entire sky above the house, then turned at an angle and disappeared. Think the blades were more like dyson airblades than normal chopper blades.

kind of like zombie Lincoln, but more hirsute

Dreamed on 2014.03.15.0829 Looking for some old books for the English department in an ancient attic in an old schoolbuilding. I was sent up there with some older lady who worked here ages ago. When opening lockers, I see they have notes of paper with writing on the edges of them only visible when open. There's a bold word on each note. When all are opened, the bold words read together warn me that the vampire will rise at the next full moon. Obligatorily for anything in the horror genre, I realize that's tonight. I yell a warning to the older lady, and hear a muffled scream and the sound of death in response. Me and a friend run out through a different door and struggle to find our way out from the building. We are careful to be as quiet as we can, but we know that the werewolf (this old bearded man who rises from the dead at the full moon, who is also super strong and angry) is chasing us. Looks kind of like zombie Lincoln, but more hirsute. My friend hides under a ca...

Trial by Sonata

Dreamed on 2011.08.26 My whole high school class comes out to watch a trial -- at an orchestra concert, some guy had called out this girl’s name to come to the piano. When she didn't, he described her in detail -- including the fact that this wasn't even her real name, she was just in the witness protection program and pretending. And she really must come to the piano.. for the trial. Eventually I go downstairs, and Travis, Tylor, Andy and I are in my parents' basement -- struggling to get mp3 player to play the right music (tool), so we can play ping pong to it.

Acting Tour

Dreamed on 2013.07.31.0917 Four of us get a tour through an old mansion by acting out a play. We each have electronic cue cards telling us what to do next, and there are four different colored lines on the ground telling us where to go next. None of us know what the play is about. (Just before I woke up, I had been doing some kind of sashaying ribbon dance solo. It was very fun.)

How many seventh graders can you take in a fight?

Dreamed on 2013.06.07.0639 Rachel and I are in an abandoned property which I am told no one will come to. They do, though, more and more quickly, and some have swords, or table-leg clubs, or broken glass. The attackers are seventh grade students, and I am forced to disarm them and fight them off in order to protect Rachel, who seems to be dazed and disoriented. Eventually I end up in a particularly vicious fight against a student. I know that I have a larger weapon and have the advantage, but I also know that if I back up and start to swing from range, that he’ll be able to reach out and slash Rachel -- and Rachel is too disoriented to move away on her own right now. So, I stay close and fight with small shards of metal and broken glass. I take a bad injury on my foot and leg before I wake up.

Partyball Flashmob USA

Dreamed on 2013.02.26.0600 Some sort of large gathering or demonstration -- maybe a flashmob? Then someone roles an inflatable ball that’s almost one story tall down the road. When it gets to the guy leading things with a microphone, he pushes the ball up into the air. Then we get a montage of people pushing the ball along, across campuses and over buildings all around the country.

"...because we don't trust the dark."

Dreamed on 2013.07.05.0932 Post apocalyptic surviving in my parents' house with a dozen or so of us. Not living in the whole house, because we don't trust the dark. Sending expeditions to other parts of the house, etc. Also, for a while, fighting skirmishes on the driveway. I got to wear my new armor. The ones we'd tried to make peace with wouldn't accept peace, so we had to do what was necessary to defend ourselves, and we were the better prepared for war.

nom nom mafia hashbri3ns

Dreamed on 2014.03.07.0616 eating hashbri3ns at the new mafia run chinese restaurant when i realizw thwtt each time i mention any flaw someone in the kitchen gets fired. slight blaxk spot on one of them

"...being an unconventionally empathic werewolf..."

Dreamed on 2013.02.24.0936 We’d sent a group of them into the woods, for a school fun-day or something. I think they were mostly high-school aged, though I’m not sure why we wanted to aim that young. I guess the prey is easier, and they get to grow into things. I don’t know what their main business was, but they had a special challenge as well -- if they were able to climb a tree to the top, then rip that tree out by the roots, they’d get a special prize. Now -- most couldn’t do it. Because if a tree was sturdy enough to be climbed to the top, it was also sturdy enough to resist being uprooted. I was fine with this, because, being an unconventionally empathic werewolf, I didn’t want to turn any of these kids, some of whom used to be my ninth grade students, a few years back. Unfortunately, one of the class-clown kids got an idea; he picked a thin sapling, bent it so he could stay on the ground while working his hands up to the very top. He succeeded, thereby, in “getting to the t...

Where there's a will, there's a gunfight.

Dreamed on 2013.02.27.0600 We’re getting into the car to drive home from the lake, but grandpa got in the wrong car and started driving away. We pulled alongside and tried to yell and honk, but no luck. The car was an RV, actually, with many other people in it. I pulled in front of it and stopped, and it had to stop too. We all got out and tried to surround the house, but there was gunfire. (It was actually a house now, not just an rv). It turns out there was a will buried in the yard in an old leather book, and I dug it up, and the people inside wanted it. This has nothing to do with anyone in my family now, and more to do with the show Supernatural. I asked if the will wouldn’t apply if we shot it, and someone put two bullet holes through it before someone else answered no, that it wouldn’t matter. There was running and fighting and sneaking and stuff. I turned a corner and knocked out the evil woman by slamming the big leather book into her face.

Beware the Minotaur in the House

Dreamed on 2013.06.12.1452 I’ve had a dream last night and another the night before that both took place in my parents house -- except bigger and grander. The rooms are spacious, the ceilings vaulted, and everything a mix of stark white and silver, sterile and echoey. There was a room for compost/farm shares, several grand staircases, and then the furnace room -- we were nervous because it was making such loud noises it seemed keen on exploding in such a way as would surely rip us to pieces, but Rachel saw the dial, spun it to zero, then turned it back to half its previous power, and all seemed good. At one point, we found the living room, too, but it was unchanged from my childhood -- the brown shag carpet, and everything was warmth and wood, though it was dark and snowy outside. Something about cars arriving in the driveway.

Look at all the stripes!

Dreamed on 2013.03.06.0712 Me and someone (a partner-figure like the two guys in Supernatural) on a college campus that I do not attend. We climb some stairs (nervous that someone will see us), hop a ledge, and end up in a crowd of people. I point out that I see someone wearing the same shirt as the partner, who doesn’t seem to care. Then I notice how many people are wearing stripes and I point it out to him, loudly. This was a sea of quiet people before, so they all hear me and start talking like, “Yeah, what the hell? Look at all the stripes!”

Hero Mice

Dreamed on 2013.08.19.1010-DREAM Some kind of adventure where several of us mice must save some other creature from a human dungeon (up in a tower). We "save" the creature (maybe a dog?) easily enough, but have trouble escaping when the tower is surrounded. Then we find a way to leave without going all the way down to the ground level. Yay!

"Bronze is the tougher material, of course"

Dreamed on 2014.03.02.0520 Line up of kids need to get injections to prevent mosquito bites. Several of us are working to give them. I've given them plenty of times before. The tools are pretty much a leather-working awl, a little surgical knife, a tub of honey, and a sewing needle. The first kid comes up, I prep the tools, I explain the process (put some honey on the scalpel and add a tiny bit to the bloodstream for it's antiviral/antiseptic properties), and then I don't do it. I keep finding myself taking the tools out of my mouth (not in a painful way, but it in a let-me-hold-these-in-my-mouth-while-doing-something-with-my-hands-way. Eventually I stare at the honey coated scalpel and realize that I'm stalling because I have no clue how to do this, or even why honey is involved in the procedure. I feel guilty for holding up the line, and making the kid in my seat scared. Later, I am an out of favor healer that was once chosen by a god ... possibly, I am Asclepius,...

Post-Apoc Symbolism

Dreamed on 2013.05.26.0813 Post local apocalyptic surviving in an abandoned church-like structure.The entrance, which had symbolically never closed, was difficult to close. The dead rise with the setting sun.

Accidental Lifeguard

Dreamed on 2013-07-06-0637 Realize that I've instinctively put on lifeguard shirt and started patrolling school pool grounds -- oops; I sneak out as carefully as I can without being seen. Haven't worked there in years.

An Unlikely Wedding Party

Dreamed on 2014.02.0639 Rewatching videos from our wedding -- we are outdoors walking in formation towards the altar. Rachel and I are there as well as four bridesmaids, all of whom are dressed rather elaborately -- I recall a geisha, a clown, and a victorian looking outfit, and I forget what else. I can't remember how we're dressed -- maybe in normal wedding gear. When we get to a specific spot in the aisle, Rachel and I start sprinting towards the altar, while the other four start sprinting away in random directions. This was on purpose, but I'm not sure why. Then I'm kayaking around town, which is difficult on dry land, but I make it work as best I can.

Crumbling Asphalt Boat

Dreamed on 2014.02.0846 We're all inside the completely empty hull of a giant boat during a storm. There's a loud crash as each mast breaks one at a time and crashed through the deck with a pile of rubble that we below must dodge. Each one that does is followed by a short report on an ancient crackly radio. Once all four giant masts have crashed in, we are no longer moving and must evacuate before the whole thing crushes us. I explore and find a winding passage up onto the deck, which is made of crumbling asphalt. After I explain the route to others, I climb over fallen debris to our locker area and look through my things. I snag my stormcrow knife that I got at Ragnarok last year, a haversack, a quiver, some arrows, several pencil sharpeners (for sharpening new arrows), a waterskin, and several other odds and ends. I find my dad analyzing the site of one of the collapses. He explains what happened, and we make a plan for where to go.


Dreamed on 2014.02.25.0428 apartmnent sitting and buildig pyramids with legos and constructoblocks. ELABORATE PRANK TO MUG ME IS TO PRETEND I'M A GHOST AND fail to EXORCISE ME SO THAT WHEN I THINK no one can see me they can just come and knock me over and take my stuff. but i get my allegy medictine back.

Uncommon Sense Solutions

Dreamed on 2009.09.15 With the van already loaded full, and stranded at our destination by the sudden flood of rainwater and melting snow, we had no choice but to return home by boat. This was not a significant problem. The difficulty arose when we were forced to attempt loading up the solo canoe and two kayaks with the rest of the boxes and furniture that had to be moved from my parents' house to the apartment. Many things were tucked inside the boats or tied to the outside. My brother's decision to strap an armchair upside down to the back of his kayak was probably one of the more problematic issues we dealt with. As far as I can remember, though, we got off onto our journey safely.

"Driving back to the family reunion..."

Dreamed on 2013.08.16.0848 Driving back to the family reunion -- grandpa is driving, I'm riding along, and Lisa and Ryan are in the car -- there's a house with a sign worth seeing, so we pull off the road, drive up a gravel driveway, and look at the sign. The building is closed, but we read its hours and decide to come back tomorrow. Now grandpa is still driving, but my dad is in the passenger seat and Rachel and I are in the backseat. As we drive down the gravel road, I realize we are going much too fast, considering the cliff on the other side of the main road and how sharp of a turn we'll need to make. We drive off the cliff. In the air, I exchange a glance with my mom (who is apparently in the car now) and kiss Rachel and squeeze her hand. This sort of thing always happens in dreams, I think, but this time it's different. With all of us waiting silently in the car, the car lands. At one point it seems to be sitting, undamaged, like normal, and we realize we ar...

"Large multi-day battle..."

Dreamed on 2014.02.09.0415 Large multi-day battle between the Romans and other Dag units and a bunch of the rest of us -- scrappier germanic types of groups. Real fighting with real weapons and real death (but we hang out at houses afterwards and kinda act like it's still just Dagorhir. The dream does not include any fighting though -- the whole dream is an after party at Orion's place). We talk about how the germanic tribes had better skill and tactics at first, so we were totally winning on the first night of the fight. But where we thought we were awesome and assumed it would continue the next day, the other team knew their limits and asked the Greek/Roman gods for help. For that reason, they trounced us on the main day of fighting.

Discrimination in Morrowind

Dreamed on 2009.09.16 I move quietly, careful not to disturb the boat parked on my left, or any of the tools hanging on the walls to my right. I think I can see a clear path to the door on the other side. This is dumb! Who ever thought to make the sidewalk go THROUGH people's garages? And considering that it does, even, which is a big consideration, why did they leave their doors open? I feel like I'm trespassing, though I know I'm not. Ridiculous. Navigating through other people's garages. Reaching the far door, I open it, hoping to see a long and clear sidewalk stretching out in front of me. I stumble and fall. No, not a long sidewalk, but not another garage either. A pile of hay. I have fallen two feet into the edge of a pile of hay, which must be at least five feet deep where I swim in it. And there's construction equipment – two cranes, here, scooping at the hay. I'm in the hay they're scooping at. Okay, no need to worry. If I stay quiet they ...

The Forgotten Wrestler

Dreamed on 2013.08.08.0845 Wrestling competition that I do very well at, though it takes a while, so when I eventually return to the room to announce victory for our team, people had already forgot about me. Then POV racing remote control cars.

Dad, you can't drive there! Then we won 500 dollars...

Dreamed on 2014.02.19.0802 moving into the basement of an old woman's house. She's friendly enough, and her little yappy type dog is friendly too, even if loud. While Rachel is setting up one of our rooms in the basement, I realize that there's a sub-basement below that and I decide to use some of the space there as my closet. The next day, the woman volunteers to drive us home (to Wisconsin), but we have extra time so we decide to stop in St. Louis halfway through the day. Now I'm in my parents' minivan and my dad is driving and the whole family is in it and we're driving out on some sketchy wooden docks onto the river. There's a 1-2 foot gap between some of the section of floating wooden bridge, and I'm trying to say that this is a bad idea, we're supposed to walk here not drive, and can we go park somewhere? But the car makes it alright. Then we get to the last one and there's a five foot horizontal gap AND the last platform is five feet a...

The Carcassone Swamp Monster

Dreamed on 2014.02.18.0601 In the swamp with strange creatures. We are giant bat-like moth-like creatures that look like we're made of a mat of dead swampy leaves (wingspan of three feet or so). Imperfect camouflage, but pretty good if you're up against a wall just right so that no one can see the edges of you. But there's a giant monster sort of predator that rises from the water and the muck, called the Carcassonne, much like us but with a wingspan of 10 feet and actually made, from what we can tell, of dead leaves and slime. No face, no limbs, no visible mouth. It'll fly through you and cut you in half or enfold you in its embrace, and it's super aggressive. Some think it's a myth when I explain it, but then it rises from the water nearby and we must all hide well.

City Dog / Becoming a Writer

Dreamed on 2014.02.17.0352 "But it's the obvious thing if we're both going to be downtown today." "Really? I mean, I don't feel safe. Someone could steal her, or she could get lost or something." "No, Bee's a good dog. Anyway, she's ready for this. This is what people do. We'll bring her down and let her go in the middle of the city. Then at the end of the day we'll go back and she'll be there." "Oh, alright." Anyway, we drop her off in the middle of the city and then walk for a while and she follows us. Then I have to clean up a mess she makes in a Subway - clearly she got into the potatoes at home. Later, I'm emailing a younger friend of mine who's in a creative writing class. He asks me at what age I considered myself a real writer / what is the ideal age before you can be a writer. I gave two answers. I think I won't be a real writer until I'm 112 years old. Also, when did you ever w...

Gangleader Bartlet and Toothpus

Dreamed on 2013.09.13.0634 At a restaurant. I work for the president (Bartlett, from West Wing), but he's in league with gangs/mafia, clearly. They come in and take over the top floor of the restaurant, and I figure I ought to see him, so I request an audience and am granted one, leaving disgruntled family eating dinner. I am clearly not a mafia person. I see him, we exchange a few words, he introduces me. I recognize some of the people as good fighters but jerks from Dagorhir/Belegarth. As I go downstairs, I get into a long conversation with one of the guards about a musical instrument he has. When I get back to my table, my family has left. Then Rachel and I are walking back to our car, and in the parking ramp there are people in martial arts uniforms practicing with foam swords. I see them, and they notice that I have some in my car, so we talk for a while. Then I notice something in my mouth and I realize that one of my fillings has chipped off. Then there's a gaping ...

Hi, I'm your cousin Fennec

Dreamed on 2013.08.17.0655 In preparation for a family reunion unrelated to last night's dream, I'm helping my parents get their house ready for company and I receive a phone call from someone I've never heard of, who is apparently the son of my relatives Bruce and Lisa (not Olson). Over the phone he sounds like a pretty young kid, but he says he's about my age and named Fennec. I later confirm this with my mom. Also I'm out at a restaurant and get some FANTASTIC looking dessert to take home (like a large pan of creme brulee bars), which I forget about, and Rachel left her pile of things outside the public bathroom, and I found it all an hour later when I went back to use them anyway, and the chef at the restaurant who delivered the dessert (apparently I was the first one ever to have ordered it, and he was very proud) also gave me a thing that was 9 short logs all interwoven in a flat thing that can be burned for good luck, so I take that home for the night's...

The Stepmother

Dreamed on 2014.02.07.0547 .THE DRAGON rumbles below and I, as the doorman, open the door when The Stepmother returns to claim one of the other princesses in the room. I watch Snow White's dress turn a GORGEOUS crimson as they walk away together. None of the others in the room say anything, and I close the door, knowing no one will ever see her again.

Dreamed on 2014.02.15.0256 Using google's anti-corporation tech to take down a company. I am a scientist and my colleague is a doctor. Whistleblower activated traps around the company which set up safe zones and we're keeping certain others away. This is a very in-person robotic google product compared to most of their services.

70 Minute Tree Storm

Dreamed on 2014.02.14.0634 We are guests in someone's house. We've been sleeping for a while and are trying to figure out what time it is. Some clocks say one thing, other clocks are 70 minutes ahead of them. every device I open to check the time is a few seconds away from shutting off, but I stop the count down and check. then realize there is a storm and the house has a glass roof. The wind is strong and I see whole trees picking up and getting flung by above us. Trying to wake Rachel up so she can go take shelter with me elsewhere. She's sitting up, but her eyes are still closed and she's still asleep.

A Study I Would Support

Dreamed on 2014.02.0529 go under cover at several stores in order to complete a study of which stores' employees are better or worse at avoiding annoying and time-wasting small talk. The one I'm at in the dream failed, and I tell them so. Why would I care about the superbowl? Anyway, I start organizing some of the furniture in their displays, dusting, and turning lights on, until I see two students from last year discussing things at a table. They're planning to move into an apartment soon (for school) and are looking at different options. The apartment I'm living in right now (according to the dream) and several others I've had recently are right there (different hallways open into sample rooms which happen to have been mine) and I talk about why the current one is better than all others. These apartments bear no resemblance to any which I've lived in in non-dream life. Then eventually Rachel and someone and I have to escape from the building which is filled ...

Mango Currency

Dreamed on 2014.02.12.0519 Get a haircut, end up making change in part by receiving a large mango. Everyone makes fun of me for it. Give "mango" (which is now a pomegranate) to Andy, who turns into my brother, at youth group which is in hidden underground passage with secret entrance and high tech security "in case of flooding." I think creepy Ken Ham is in charge of the group, in a militaristic way.

Heaven in Madison Bus Ride

Dreamed on 2013.07.29.0804 "Yeah," I told the bus driver, "I actually quit the Haven to have more freetime. Now I'm just TAing one section of ESL on Thursday evenings, so I need to get to Van Hise again. I know it's only Monday, but I need to plan my route; it's been a while." "Is that enough to get by? Only working one night a week?" "Hah. We'll see. Hopefully I saved enough over the winter." (I don't say what I think, which is, "well yeah, I've saved plenty. It's not hard.") "Well good luck to you." We drive through the streets of Madison a bit. I suggest that I get dropped off right next to Union South so I can get some food and hang out a while before walking back to Van Hise. Driver says "okay". As we drive, the scenery changes and it starts to look cartoony -- and dark. Especially on the right side of the bus the hill/graveyard becomes solid black with some glowy purple ed...

Frankenstein Boxer

Dreamed on 2014.02.10.0400 frankenstein boxer - absorbed others powersa read onterview. actually died and student saw me die befpre coming baxk phoenixlike [Note: Sometimes I write the basics of a dream down at 4AM, or whenever I wake up, assuming I can fill in the details at 6AM when I get up. Often I can. This time I have no memory of this, and I've decided to leave it here in all its glory.]

Oh Madison, You So Naive

Dreamed on 2014.02.09.0415 Elaborate dream about helping one of the Penn State astro-grads move out of his apartment on Pinckney street (in Madison, WI). It starts off normal enough (except for how much cereal he has - like, literally, fifty boxes each of four types of cereal stacked on a giant pallet). It gets weirder when they set up a prezi in the moving van to show us what to do and some of my jewelry is broken and my keys are missing. I'm dressed very stylishly though. There's also an apartment opening up that has a job connected with it. You get paid 200 dollars per month to live there, but you have to be a candy striper as a job (literally putting stripes on candy), and that's all you get paid. We make fun of the job/apartment. As I'm helping, I'm dressed very stylishly in a top hat, cane, and long-tailed coat. Maybe a cape, too. All black and silver. Also, the other apartments in the building are so crowded that people have to leave their musical instr...

Agnostic Dog Slugs and an Idiot King

Dreamed on 2014.02.08.0852 People letting their dogs out everywhere, mostly on leashes. Our dog (not Bee, some kind of papillon silliness) looks super friendly, but is super scared of all other dogs and will bite them in the face. I try to explain this to people -- it's not a behavior, but a specific disorder that she has -- but they keep saying it won't be a problem and getting their dogs too close. I manage to keep them away until one without a leash runs up, so I pick up our dog and run away. Then, suddenly, every waterspout in the field turns on and there is nowhere to stay dry. The dog and her companion are next to me and rather than being dogs, now they are something aquatic -- like blue sea slugs (glaucus atlanticus) -- and they can talk. We discuss the meaning of the word agnostic and the philosophy of uncertainty, until my brother (not my real life brother, but I'm not real-life me either) comes up and says we're late to swear fealty to the king. Also, our ...

Strange Properties of Water

Dreamed on 2013.03.05.0600 At a campground with main building. We were staying in the building, but some friends set up camp outside I got up in the morning, went out and greeted them, and they started getting ready for the day. Then some other campers there -- gruff looking biker-types who I’d apparently met the day before -- reminded me that I had to open the valve that morning. I apologized profusely and rushed back to the main building hoping that I’d be able to do it in time. So I turned a thing and there was a rushing noise, and when I returned the entire field was under three and a half feet of water. The biker-guys seemed content. I called to the friends in the tent to apologize to them (they had it all set up with gadgets and electronics and whatnot inside), but they didn’t mind -- the water was staying on the outside, even with the tent door open. So I shrugged and moved on to a different part of the dream.


Dreamed on 2011.08.28 spilled huge amount of sewing needles at a party -- had to clean them all up all of them

Dubstep Bears

Dreamed on 2013.08.07.0926 Bears seal off the snow tunnel into their dubstep room and dance in cute little ways. At the zoo. Also, bears are starting to learn a human-like language.

"only the tusken raiders were there to fight"

Dreamed on 2013.08.10.0915 Unreal Tournament, but real life, and in an old and converted nuclear facility. Also, only the tusken raiders were there to fight, the rest of us were just running about trying to survive. Don't even have weapons. I go outside the facility briefly, but there's too much solar radiation. Most of the walls are sandstone like.

I lost my leg...

Dreamed on 2013.08.15.0910 I lost my leg as a civilian from a terrorist missile in the US, so now when I'm trying to lifeguard, I have a bit more trouble swimming, climbing out of the pool, etc, especially because this pool has a current the whole time. Still, I do well enough.

Jewelry Sale

Dreamed on 2013.08.18.105 After the discovery that some of the necklaces I made out of thrift-store and inherited gems included particularly amazing stones that might be quite valuable, I end up displaying all my jewelry (and jewelry making supplies) to be viewed and potentially purchased by the public. Everyone is looking around and talking about things, but the couple who made me do this event, a Japanese couple from Colorado, end up deciding that they want everything. They want the fancy stones, and they want all my other stuff just so no one ends up with something that looks too similar. They plan on melting my other supplies down (even though most of them are rocks, gems, etc) and making gaming dice out of them. They offer me $2437.00 for it all. I know that I want to accept this price, but I don't want to seem too eager, so I think about it for a while and at length say, "Yeah, that'll do it." So the man begins to pull out a checkbook but a girl (a friend ...

Like Raw Eggs

Dreamed on 2012.08.29 I was a simple thing under the creature’s spell -- it had frozen me turned me into a doll with a plastic shell and soft insides. It (she?) knocked me about and grabbed me by the wrist to swing me up into the air and then let go. I flew in slow motion, landing headfirst against the pavement, my thin plastic head fragmenting and the raw eggs of my brain splattering across the pavement. I lay there, my eyes a computer game view upside down on the floor, and I was dead.

Sad Horse

Dreamed on 2013.07.03.0801 Rode my horse to the beach, but they don't allow pets. Horse isn't a pet, but will probably have to stay in the parking lot anyway?

Full Calculating Potential

Dreamed on 2014.02.07.0547 Solving fraction problems by using a small light projector with dials that you twist until you get the numerator and denominator. Rachel said one of her coworkers got it from a session at AAS. Very finicky, so I spend most of my time entering the problem. I think it's subtraction with different denominators? Maybe division? We talk about the guy whose machine this is and make fun of him for never using the machine to its full fraction calculating potential. As I turn more knobs for brightness and color, eventually I wake up having never found out how to find the answer with this technology.

Donut Frosting Dog

2011.08.30-DREAM Playing some weird board game I don't fully understand. Then Trav is over.. it's 2am and we're cooking, but I'm not sure what he's cooking Vicky* is on the counter, and she got into the donut frosting. Vicky..... I have to go into town to get something, so I head out.... once I get around the corner (we were at my parents' house) I realize I forgot the car and am walking, and that that won't work, it'll take too long. On the way back, I find my computer I dropped. Then I realize that trav brought plenty of ingredients, I don't need to go into town anyway. Then sorting through books with Tylor.  *Vicky was an ancient/tiny/frail miniature schnauzer.

Cranes with Knives

Dreamed on 2011.08.06-DREAM Meet some cranes who are evolving who ambush me... can pick up a knife/lighter.... they ask how I stay warm in winter; I show them fire/doors/inside. I teach them how to go inside (they are in a fenced in preservation-y thing) but I don't teach them why it's dangerous for them to be going inside (cameras, etc).

Guerilla Bed Upgraders

Dreamed on 2009.09.14 “Shhhhh, .. get the – how'd you get the lock so fast?” “It was already open, I dunno. You think he's home?” “No, I definitely saw him downtown. He couldn't be back yet. Should be busy with his gig, yeah?” “Yeah. Alright. Go ahead, see what you find. I'll follow you.” The room looked like a teenager who had just awoken after three hours of sleep. The couple picked their way through the flotsam. “Eh, what's this?” “Shit, I dunno. Computer guts? Percussion equipment? – Hey! I found an IPod!” “Alright. Let's get some tunes.” “Rock!” Eventually, they found what they were looking for. “I found the bed, and you're right – it won't do!” “It's just so .. small, and ... ugly.” “Exactly.” “So what do you think, can we do it?” “Well... there's room. I think I might be able to come up with something. Take some pictures of the space and the stuff... when we get back, I'll check it for style and find a new...