Cause it's all about that Bass

Dreamed on 2014.08.0947

Going to the local swimming pool with Rachel's upright bass in one hand and my guitar in the other. It costs a bit to get in, but there's a region in the very back (on a picnic table in a grassy area) that's free if you're just going to practice or perform. As I head there a guy wearing black with shaved sides of his head and gauges in his ears talks to me. Asks where I'm headed and if he can listen (says he can try to keep most of the other goths from fan-boy harassing me there. I say I don't mind either way).

When we're there, I play a little bit on each, but mainly there's a (non-goth) kid who won't stop asking questions about where in town we're from, what direction is it from here (no, don't say north, point), what middle school and what grade school did we go to, etc.


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