Urban River Kiosk Garage Sale Giveaway

Dreamed on 2013.02.25.0500

Ben and I got in the water at the end of the bay at the lodge -- he was more frustrated than I that there was a new law that we couldn’t cut the seaweed stuff ourselves anymore that was growing from the bottom. So we started swimming up river, and it turns out that there'd been a flood and there was some wreckage near the first rapids we got to.

I found a long string going into the water and worked to remove it in case there was a hook at the end. There wasn't -- just a closed lock, so I knew it couldn’t hurt anyone. A little further up stream we found a central island of wood.. a kiosk sort of thing -- I should mention that this seemed a small stream that was thoroughly urban -- like a flooded street or path or something, at this point.

Anyway, there was a garage sale on that island, There were a lot of OLD computery things. I was interested in some old nintendo games and controllers and Ben wanted a huge bag of old paintings and fuzzy posters (of serious looking ships and such -- three mast ships, etc). And by garage sale, I mean that everything was actually free. We talked to the guy selling the stuff, and he wanted us to take a bag of trash also. So we said sure -- there were a lot of mugs that ben wanted to sell so he could afford to come to Denuvald’s Kindling Event -- I convinced him that he’d rather come to the bigger event the week later. I also started to wonder how we were going to swim back with three bags of things that probably shouldn’t get wet. And I wondered where we were going to throw out the bag of trash for the guy, too.


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