Unwilling Criminal Mercenary

Dreamed on 2012.04.16

I’m an expert swordsman, young adult, a little naive (referred to, henceforth, in third person). Falls in (because he needs work) with a band of men that he thinks will operate fairly similar to the Firefly crew. Land at a grocery store and he and crew start to take control of the store. Told to kill anyone in your way, send any loot to the front of the store.

He isn’t sure what the main objective is (presumably not just to rob the individual civilians), but is told simply to neutralize the people. First corner he turns, there’s an employee who knows a few things about swords who has armed several girls and is trying to teach them a lesson. The employee sees the MC coming sword drawn, and runs at him to attack.

“You don’t want to do that,” MC says, but the man fights anyway and is quickly killed. MC looks at dying body in shock, then looks at girls who raise their swords (incompetently).

“There was no point for his death. Put down your swords, and I won’t hurt you. Go to back corner of the store and sit down. Anyone, unarmed, sitting there, will not be hurt. If anyone questions the order, tell them [my name] said so.”

He guides them back there and talks (almost chats) calmly with them. At the last minute, decides to bring one with him back to the front of the store to empty cash from the registers. There’s some conflict in him for several reasons -- he knows he isn’t doing honest work, but he still wants to have strong morals. Others seem to take delight in shooting/stabbing people. Also he thinks this is too much just petty theft. He feels really bad about how the victims must be judging him. Also, as the newest member, he really has no authority.

The rest of his team abides by the “anyone sitting in the back left corner is safe” rule, but they mock him and give him a lot of crap for it. He promises to get any ideas like that authorized by the leader before the raid starts, in the future.


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