Devil's Biographer

Dreamed on 2014.08.07.0458

Abducted off the street to serve as a cultural advisor to Kim Jong-un. He is driving the car this time to show his power, rather than being driven and showing weakness -- he came off as weak in the past during a physical competition we were both part of.

Yesterday he made a show of killing his old driver, saying it was sad because he was a good driver, but then laughing like it didn't faze him. I ask him -- as politely as possible -- how he felt about what he just did: sad, angry, amused, etc. I say I am expressing genuine curiosity. He explains a concept about significance:

"The repeated patterns around you gain significance based on how often you see them and what you associate them with. If you see the same necklace everywhere in a certain context, it begins to matter to you and mean something to you in a certain way. So it is with this."

That's all he explains and it doesn't really make sense to me.

I ask if I can stay near him and have permission to write wholly honest journals without fear of reprisal and that won't be read... that also won't be looked at until the end of our lives. For the sake of understanding "the true him," I say.

He is okay with this. I begin writing journals (100% honest about his flaws, world view, etc) in my own alphabet code.

When the revolution happens, it takes a significant bit of arguing to convince other people they shouldn't kill me, even though I was his trusted advisor and just stood by.


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