
Showing posts from April, 2017

Generic Post-Apoc MC start, but with magic!

Dreamed on 2017.04.19.0706 Family of 4-5 on the third floor of an apartment building. Family is arguing/debating something about food. Girl goes down a floor via the stairwell and is standing near a broken window when she overhears a LARGE group – an army, really – approaching from outside. The leader of it gives his quick commands to the rest while they clean and prepare their semi-automatic guns. “Either they die or they become cattle,” he says. The army breaks into the ground floor. The girl wants to warn her family, but then what? They could do nothing about this. She feels paralyzed. She considers hiding, but ultimately decides to just get caught quickly and obviously so she doesn’t get shot. She sits right where she was already, in the corner of a landing at the stairwell, in the light of the window, and puts both hands in the air and waits. As the army files through, no one sees her. She starts to yell, “Hey! I’m here. I surrender!” and still they all run right past her, i

Storm is picking up outside

Dreamed on 2017.02.24.0545 some commotion about a bird atop the tree. i rush into the room but am too late. crazy fancy mansion that we are moving into to share. on a balcony above the tree i notice a giant vulture face atop a clearly mechanical human sized body. It looks at me storm is picking up outside. like... I see someone blow away. Everyone else wants to watch a show that's starting, and they keep asking me to come back in and sit down, but I go to the hall and hold open a side door for what turns out to be about thirty strangers and a person or two from my old high school. One old peer is surprised to see me, inquires about whose place this is, being so fancy, and I know it's part mine now, but otherwise I forget. It's owned by the parents of someone else we knew in highschool, but I forget who. I ask the Lady/Matriarch of the house, and she says it's totally fine I brought them in. Downstairs is probably best, just stay out of room 126 because her husban

Buttercream Dog Shell

Dreamed on 2017.02.25.0810 Looking into the plastic packaging, I see that the egg I have (about 2x1.5 feet) is starting to look kinda dried and is browning on the edges. "No! Am I too late?" I turn my eyes to Rachel who says, "No, just bury it in the sand quick. It's probably ready to go right now." So I do. It starts to wriggle a little bit, then cracks open. The whole egg is soft like a hard boiled egg, by the way -- no shell. I help pry the crack open and pull some of the egg away, and a frail looking schnauzer with peppered legs and body but a curly back the color of buttercream eagerly emerges, eyes wide and tongue licking. She sits down and clearly has very weak back legs and no full instinct how to use them. She looks about inquisitively. "Here Bee! Here! ... Wait, Bee's our other dog. We need a new name! Um... Here dog!" and she eventually figures out how to put legs beneath her and wobble enthusiastically toward us.