Crumbling Asphalt Boat

Dreamed on 2014.02.0846

We're all inside the completely empty hull of a giant boat during a storm. There's a loud crash as each mast breaks one at a time and crashed through the deck with a pile of rubble that we below must dodge. Each one that does is followed by a short report on an ancient crackly radio. Once all four giant masts have crashed in, we are no longer moving and must evacuate before the whole thing crushes us.

I explore and find a winding passage up onto the deck, which is made of crumbling asphalt. After I explain the route to others, I climb over fallen debris to our locker area and look through my things. I snag my stormcrow knife that I got at Ragnarok last year, a haversack, a quiver, some arrows, several pencil sharpeners (for sharpening new arrows), a waterskin, and several other odds and ends. I find my dad analyzing the site of one of the collapses. He explains what happened, and we make a plan for where to go.


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