"...being an unconventionally empathic werewolf..."

Dreamed on 2013.02.24.0936

We’d sent a group of them into the woods, for a school fun-day or something. I think they were mostly high-school aged, though I’m not sure why we wanted to aim that young. I guess the prey is easier, and they get to grow into things. I don’t know what their main business was, but they had a special challenge as well -- if they were able to climb a tree to the top, then rip that tree out by the roots, they’d get a special prize.

Now -- most couldn’t do it. Because if a tree was sturdy enough to be climbed to the top, it was also sturdy enough to resist being uprooted. I was fine with this, because, being an unconventionally empathic werewolf, I didn’t want to turn any of these kids, some of whom used to be my ninth grade students, a few years back.

Unfortunately, one of the class-clown kids got an idea; he picked a thin sapling, bent it so he could stay on the ground while working his hands up to the very top. He succeeded, thereby, in “getting to the top” of a tree -- one that looked easy enough to uproot. I begged him not to, but he thought I was really still encouraging him. So he and a friend succeeded, and me and one of my pack had no choice but to wrestle them, pin them, tie them up and hang them by their feet from a tree. We left them there and came back.

Since their trick counted as valid, as the spirit of the forest judged it, we saw them each again within a week -- a bit tougher looking -- having freed themselves in the light of the full moon. I hadn’t wanted to turn them, but since we’d had to, I was glad to see that they’d made it.


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