Storm is picking up outside

Dreamed on 2017.02.24.0545

some commotion about a bird atop the tree. i rush into the room but am too late. crazy fancy mansion that we are moving into to share. on a balcony above the tree i notice a giant vulture face atop a clearly mechanical human sized body. It looks at me

storm is picking up outside. like... I see someone blow away. Everyone else wants to watch a show that's starting, and they keep asking me to come back in and sit down, but I go to the hall and hold open a side door for what turns out to be about thirty strangers and a person or two from my old high school. One old peer is surprised to see me, inquires about whose place this is, being so fancy, and I know it's part mine now, but otherwise I forget. It's owned by the parents of someone else we knew in highschool, but I forget who.

I ask the Lady/Matriarch of the house, and she says it's totally fine I brought them in. Downstairs is probably best, just stay out of room 126 because her husband is having a business meeting there, though I should sneak in because that's where the towels are.

I lead them in --- everything is fancy carved wood, polished brass, leather, and antique books -- and they make themselves at home in the basement.


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