
Showing posts from October, 2014

Just a totally normal busride, man

Dreamed on Was on a city bus, minding my own business when an interesting street/punk dressed guy comes on and starts dancing -- interesting hat, many baubles, studs in one shoulder of his jacket, several belts, bright colored patches on things, etc. And he's got this thing -- imagine one of those ball/paddle contraptions where you hit the ball away and a string pulls it back, except instead of a ball and string it's a gigantic bubble-type thing that makes shapes like a gigantic lava lamp, and people who are good at it can control it so that it moves with the music. Two other people on the bus get up and start dancing too, and I try out the lavabubble thing. Then a korean guy in a tae kwon do outfit, sitting across the aisle from me, asks me if I ever studied dance stuff, and I say no, no way. Then the boom box that I've been playing music on this whole time switches over to a Carolina Soares song, and I think about capoeira.

"...where ignorant armies clash by night..."

Dreamed on 2014.08.26.2241 what must be at least a square mile or more of rushing waves and rapids crashes down over the point and sides of a submerged promontory in sweeping rushes. I project myself and my boat out and over them in my mind, imagine washing down the tongues of water and over the curl backs, plotting a course most likely to keep me from a watery demise. It's night time, and we decide that none of us should run this rapids. Black night time, though we hear the roar all around us, we see only small patches dimly lit nearby by moon glow as we run across the metal grating boardwalk while half-drunk in insane awe at the power of the river. I stop my brother from falling off the railing several times as we careen randomly about the place. Then my cousins and some of our friends from childhood show up.

Cause it's all about that Bass

Dreamed on 2014.08.0947 Going to the local swimming pool with Rachel's upright bass in one hand and my guitar in the other. It costs a bit to get in, but there's a region in the very back (on a picnic table in a grassy area) that's free if you're just going to practice or perform. As I head there a guy wearing black with shaved sides of his head and gauges in his ears talks to me. Asks where I'm headed and if he can listen (says he can try to keep most of the other goths from fan-boy harassing me there. I say I don't mind either way). When we're there, I play a little bit on each, but mainly there's a (non-goth) kid who won't stop asking questions about where in town we're from, what direction is it from here (no, don't say north, point), what middle school and what grade school did we go to, etc.

Devil's Biographer

Dreamed on 2014.08.07.0458 Abducted off the street to serve as a cultural advisor to Kim Jong-un. He is driving the car this time to show his power, rather than being driven and showing weakness -- he came off as weak in the past during a physical competition we were both part of. Yesterday he made a show of killing his old driver, saying it was sad because he was a good driver, but then laughing like it didn't faze him. I ask him -- as politely as possible -- how he felt about what he just did: sad, angry, amused, etc. I say I am expressing genuine curiosity. He explains a concept about significance: "The repeated patterns around you gain significance based on how often you see them and what you associate them with. If you see the same necklace everywhere in a certain context, it begins to matter to you and mean something to you in a certain way. So it is with this." That's all he explains and it doesn't really make sense to me. I ask if I can stay nea

My subconscious self is more lenient than my conscious self

Dreamed on 2014.08.01.0324 i could deal witht he miniature tentacle like things (decorative) on the sores on my legs because they looked kind of like plants unfurling, and the spines were cool too, because I get that his was a definsive thing. but the sores that stuck out like towers that wer half-wasp (alternating which parts of the body, head or stinger) wer completely NOPE/