put a grass blad nder it.

Dreamed on 2015.09.07.0630

Depression era boy walking with some potatoe to a street market where he tries to sell them. He has a cute litle white dog too, but ot for sale. At one point, an older guy turns and sets his dog in some rich womas cart then looks away (having presumably just sold it to her), but the boy notices and takes it back. When she gets to the door she asks her servant t show her her pet (te cart was behind her), and they realie t;s missing. They cinplain and the older guy puts a goose in her basket and says there, that;s your pet, but the woman won;t have any. She sees the dog adn demands it. When the boy rotests she says she paid for it fair and square and will see him in court and throws a big fit.

Later, like in another scene, some guys have a microscope, but have no clue what a microsp=cope is. Several people experiment with different uses and then give up, but one of their servants puts a grass blad nder it and looks through and sese strange rainbowy greenish creatures and is fascinated.


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