"...from across the still pond"
Dreamed on 2014.07.01.2054 The child knelt at the water's edge. Torches flickered on the surface from across the still pond and he heard the drums of a great celebration -- boom boom bot kaboom kaboom botototot and so on, coupled every few repetitions with ecstatic ululation. He had seen the women whirling their orbits around the fire before, the gathered crowd drinking and socializing in varied states of normalcy and revelry. But tonight the child knelt, alone, at the water's edge. He dipped his hands in the water, and raised them to his face, cooling himself despite the already cool night. At this point the child noticed a glowing in the water, ten paces out, deep beneath the surface. He tilted his head slightly and stared -- the only logical explanation was that it was a will-o-the-wisp, one of those tricksome fairy creatures that lured you into sure danger. He'd heard stories and always assumed they were legend only -- he never thought he'd ever see one. If on...