
Showing posts from November, 2014


Dreamed on 2014.10.01.0552 someone steals a dog from a restaurant and opens all the doors -- they didn't steal Bee, our schnauzer, but she escapes and is busy running a stairway and almost getting through one way doors before they shut and lock me out. she's running next to another dog she's friends with. I catch her eventually and we find the owner for the other dog.

Plot Twist

Dreamed on 2014.10.01.0552 looking at a merchant's wares at a dag event - nice musical pipe sort of thing. chewing gum and three of my molars fall out.

"Save this whereout she crushes / For dead men deadly wine."

Dreamed on 2014.10.11.0828 Note: Play "sometimes our dreams float like anchors" by William Elliott Whitmore in the background (it was stuck in my head when I woke up). At a large party with people. I have a friend/neighbor with me. Decide to go underwater for a bit and record a video (I have a new goPro that I want to play with -- it's a fingertip --about as thick as a finger print -- and it records whatever I'm pointing at. This works well, as my suit is also set to propel me by pointing with that same finger whenever I accelerate by a gesture with my other hand. We cruise around for a while and find cool bubbles to film (note that our suits cover our face and let us breathe automatically, and this whole transition from air to water is second nature by now. Water can be scary because of the waves and forces that can move you suddenly, but air can be equally scary because you notice gravity more, you move slower, waves that manage to hit you in the air do more t...